All the anxiety disorder present in children can also be found in teenagers presenting themselves with similar symptoms. Teenagers are more prone to panic attacks, obsessive-compulsive behavior, post traumatic stress disorder, phobia far worse than at childhood. They also experience similar physical and emotional symptoms as children do. Teenagers are also prone to three other prominent disorders namely social disorder, sleep disorder and eating disorder.
Social Anxiety Disorder
People with Social Anxiety Disorder usually set unreasonable social standards that are difficult to meet. It is alarmingly increasing in teenagers. Failing to conquer this goal leaves them embarrass of themselves and sense of helplessness takes over.
Lack of the required self-confidence can leave one humiliated with their actions and choose to isolate his or herself from society out of this fear. People with Social Anxiety Disorder usually set unreasonable social standards that are difficult to meet. Failing to conquer this goal leaves them embarrass of themselves and sense of helplessness takes over.
It can greatly affect educational capability, opportunity to get a job and ability to socially interact with those of the opposite gender and people in general. Exposure to non-familiar person or place leaves people with this type of disorder overwhelmed to socialize. This shortcoming in their character makes it tough for them to be accepted socially. It can also destroy any possible romantic encounter he or she might have
Physical symptom includes stammering, lost of words, sweating, blushing, increased heart rate, trouble breathing properly and trembling. People with Social Anxiety Disorder also deliberately make themselves sick to avoid social places and activities.
Sleep Disorder
This anxiety disorder affects sleep. It causes abnormal sleep patterns resulting to sleep disruption, deprivation and sleeplessness (insomnia). Sleep disorder can get in the way of normal bodily function. Physical and mental exhaustion are common indication that the body is not at its optimum level.
Physical Symptoms of sleep disorder are more obvious than other forms of anxiety disorders. Symptoms include episodes of emotional outburst, irritability, feeling and looking tired and slow in reacting to people and situations. They all lead to more serious problems such as sleepwalking and narcolepsy, snoring and sleep apnea. All are equally dangerous and life threatening and should be controlled or stop.
Anorexia Nervosa
People who suffer from Anorexia Nervosa visualize that they suffer from obesity when in actuality they are deteriorating in weight actuality they are deteriorating in weight. They engage in extreme exercise regime and diet to keep their imaginary weight down. Food obsession and peculiar and disturbing habits such as forced vomiting and abusing laxatives after indulging in a huge meal in within short intervals (known as binge eating) are all attributes of this disorder. Mealtime become a battle ground for refusing food or selecting only a small portion of available choices.
Symptoms include sudden weight loss, noticeable physical changes such as losing muscle mass, and absence of menstrual periods (for women).
Bulimia Nervosa
People who have Bulimia Nervosa indulge in food and binge eating within a short interval and flushing it down by vomiting or purging to stop weight gain. They also result to starvation and usage of drugs to lose weight faster. They remain within the same weight due to the amount of food intake that occurs every few hours. All this peculiar habits are done discreetly till discovered by family members or friends.